Legal notice
The website ("website") is the internet portal for the Ruhr Games, a sports and cultural event organized by the Regionalverband Ruhr (RVR).
Regionalverband Ruhr
Der Regionaldirektor
Garrelt Duin
Kronprinzenstraße 35
D-45128 Essen
Phone: +49 (0) 201 2069-699
Fax: +49 (0) 201 2069-501
Sales tax identification number DE 173 867 500
Editorially responsible
Regionalverband Ruhr
Kronprinzenstraße 35
D-45128 Essen
Phone: +49 (0) 201 2069-699
Fax: +49 (0) 201 2069-501
Press Contact TV/Print, regional / national
Jens Hapke
Press spokesman
Phone.: +49 201 2069-495
Raphael Bergmann
© Christoph Maderer, Ilkay Karakurt, Helge Tscharn, Tim Krämer,Paul Meckes
Photo Jahrhunderthalle Bochum: ©Bochumer Veranstaltungs-GmbH/Jahrhunderthalle Bochum
© Jeromin Films
Copyright and Trademark Protection
Text, text elements, graphics, tables, videos, audio/visual materials and other works contained on this website may be protected by copyright. In such cases, this material may not be used for purposes other than those intended by the website without the prior approval of the copyright holder. In particular, it is prohibited to reproduce, store, edit, disseminate or make this material available to the public for other purposes without the prior approval of the copyright holder. A link may be placed on another website, but only if the Ruhr Games website is the sole content of the browser window at the linked website.
All protected trademarks and brand names used on the website, including those of third parties, are subject without limitation to the provisions of copyright law relevant to the respective copyright holder.
Whosoever infringes against copyright or trademark protections will be subject to cease-and-desist orders or, as warranted, claims for compensation by the rights holder, and for willful infringement will be subject to criminal prosecution.
The information contained on this website has been assembled with proper care and is continuously updated. Nevertheless, it is not warranted that this information is error-free. The RVR therefore assumes no liability and offers no guarantee in particular with respect to the accuracy, completeness or currentness of the information made available on this website.
This also applies in particular to third-party websites that may be referred to and over which the RVR has no influence. The RVR therefore expressly excludes any responsibility for the content of such third-party websites.
The RVR retains the right to make changes or additions to the information or data provided at any time and without notification.
You can find detailed information on data protection and the use of the statistical analysis tool, PIWIK, at